Toscana Promozione Apps

Business in Tuscany 1.0
Business in Tuscany is a tool that wasbornfrom an idea by Toscana Promozione to supporttheinternationalisation of Tuscan businesses around theworld.This app will enable you to search for Tuscan businesses withinthecatalogues of the various sectors, seeing photos andproducts,consulting descriptions and data, and to contact thebusiness youare interested in directly through the contact section.You canalso create a list of your favourite businesses, dividedintocategories, to be accessed quickly and easily.
Tuscany Experience 1.0
"A dominant impulse on encountering beautyisto wish to hold on to it, to possess it and give it weight inone’slife. There is an urge to say, “I was here, I sawthis”."Alain De Botton * The Art of TravelTHE APP TO GET EXPERIENCE IN TUSCANY
Tuscany Up 1.0
TUSCANY UP - Itinerari businessIl Buon Vivere Toscano si rispecchia a pienonell'intreccioquotidiano tra territorio e sistema produttivo che,da oggi, lacomunità economica internazionale potrà scoprire grazieagliitinerari business creati da Toscana Promozione per favorirelanascita di nuove e proficue relazioni economico-commerciali traleimprese toscane e le delegazioni internazionali in visitanellanostra regione.TUSCANY UP - Percorsi turisticiCultura, arte e genialità creativa rappresentano ilnutrimentofisico e spirituale della terra di Toscana, consideratada sempreun laboratorio del Buon Vivere. Un nutrimento che oggitrova unasua dimensione “turistica” negli itinerari tematici creatidaToscana Promozione per far scoprire una ToscanaTUSCANY UP - EventiFai del tuo viaggio in Toscana un’esperienza unica! ImmergitinelBuon Vivere toscano partecipando ai tanti eventi che animanoquestosplendido territorio e che puoi trovare nel calendario esulla mappache Tuscany UP ha pensato per te.TUSCANY UP -ItinerariesbusinessGood Living Toscano is reflected fully in the intertwiningdailybetween territory and production system that, today,theinternational economic community can discover thanks totheitineraries business created by Toscana Promotion to encouragethecreation of new and profitable economic and trade relationsbetweenthe Tuscan companies and international delegations visitingourregion.TUSCANY UP - Touring RoutesCulture, art and creative genius represent the physicalandspiritual nourishment of the land of Tuscany, has alwaysbeenconsidered a laboratory of Good Living. Nourishment thattodayfinds its dimension "tourist" in the thematic itinerariescreatedby Toscana Promotion to discover TuscanyTUSCANY UP - EventsMake your trip a unique experience in Tuscany! Immerseyourselfin Good Living Tuscan participating in the many events thatanimatethis beautiful area and that you can find in the calendarand onthe map that Tuscany UP has designed for you.